
Brownhills Bugmark



.We are delighted to have been selected to install another UNIX Best-of -Both heavy duty air float arrisser for this tremendously successful enterprise.





Brownhills front & truck.


Brownhills Glass Co, the “Masters of Glass” established their business in the Midlands back in 1979 and have enjoyed non-stop tremendous growth in every possible way since.





Product range, technical skills, capacity and customer service are unsurpassed, and can now be ordered from wherever you happen to be by simply downloading the new innovative BGC glass ordering app- free from your App Store.


.For more about the company and for detailed information on the complete product range, or for help with the app, call the number below or visit the Brownhills web site.
“Thanks for the new order guys, and congratulations on an excellent choice”.



Brownhills App


Brownhills Glass

Beecham Close

Aldridge, Walsall

West Midlands


Tel: 01922 749 910

Fax:01922 749 911

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Copyright AIS 2006